AFTERCARE - Post Procedure

An amazing painting starts with a quality canvas. Permanent Make-up is a beautiful technique but sensitive to many factors so you will get much better results when you prepare your skin properly before your treatment and follow the aftercare correctly post treatment.

To continue to receive the best results from your permanent make up it is important to have maintenance retouch appointments regularly. This can be every 6 or 24 months and is dependant on you, your skin and lifestyle.

Permanent make up is an art and healed results will vary from person to person. A touch up appointment is recommended for each treatment as it allows us a chance to make any necessary alterations and perfect.

Immediate Aftercare & Post Treatment

Blot the treated area often using cool sterile water and neutral soap (babies) using a cotton pad to remove any excess lymph fluid. Removing this prevents the build up of thick crusty scabs which helps with better healing. You will have to repeat this every 1-2 hours for the whole day.

Avoid getting the area wet

Maintain facial hygiene throughout the healing stages whilst avoiding soaking the area.

Immediately after your treatment the area can look up to 70% darker, hair strokes may appear 15% thicker and your lips can swell a little.

Day 5-14 you will notice the area begins to lighten dramatically, the colour can look very dull and muted at this time, brows may look patchy in colour. This is a normal part of the healing process, you will notice the colour deepens 4-6 weeks post treatment.

Useful Dos and Don'ts post treatment:

  • Use a fresh clean pillowcase
  • Use clean tissues to dry the treated area after washing, not a towel
  • Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally fall away. Picking can cause scarring and loss of colour
  • No facials, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks after the treatment
  • Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 4 weeks after treatment, wear a hat if it's very sunny
  • Avoid high intensity exercise for 2 weeks
  • Avoid heavy sweating and long hot showers/baths for the first 10 days
  • Avoid sleeping on your face until area is healed
  • Avoid public swimming, lakes, jacuzzis for 2 weeks.
  • Do not apply any makeup on the treated area
  • Do not rub, pick or scratch the treated area
  • Showering & washing your hair:

Preferably you do not wash your hair in the first 2-3 days after the procedure. During the ‘scabby’ phase, take 5 minute warm showers so you do not create too much steam. Keep your face area out of the water whilst you shower, wash your hair quickly. Try your best to keep your face dry, if it does get wet pat dry with clean tissue once out.